Friday, February 10, 2017

Love is in the air!

Bonjour mes amis!

Chotopia has finally given up and accepted that St. Valentine's powers were bound to trap them one way or another. For that reason, the website has been updated with a red theme that favors the current month's celebration!

Furthermore, the Citizenship page has been updated to showcase this month's item: the Valentine Basket!

Click to enlarge
Don't forget that you can now select a recurring Citizenship that will lower its cost starting the second month of the plan. That means that you will pay five (5) dollars for the first month and only three (3) dollars and seventy-five (75) cents for the subsequent months.

My Citizenship will renew tomorrow, so I will be sure to give you a look on the new item.

Also, remember that on February 18 we are celebrating St. Valentine's day at Katara's house. CLICK HERE for more information.

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


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