Saturday, December 31, 2016

To be or not to be!

Bonjour mes amis!

To be or not to be a journalist? THAT is the question!

The team has officially opened applications for January's Journalists! Shakespeare say what?!

You heard me right! Umm, well, read me right. Anyways, if you love writing as much as I do and you own a blog, don't hesitate to go to the main blog and submit an application. Journalists are the main source of information in Chotopia (apart from the main blog, of course) and they have some pretty cool privileges if you ask me:
  1. A journalist badge with the title of your blog and an exclusive and wicked playercard
  2. The feather item, so you can invoke the mighty powers of Shakespeare
  3.  You will be able to contact a moderator through PC even when their playercard is blocked (Shakespeare powers, I'm telling you, they're great)
  4. Moderators will bookmark your blog
  5. You will get featured in the main blog! (Can I get a WHAT WHAT!?)
  6. A purple name tag, because everything is better when you add the color purple to it, just ask Barney

There are requirements, however, and they are as follow:
  1. Thou shall post on a weekly basis
  2. Thou shall inform the team if thou will head over the seas on a vacation
  3. Thou shall be creative! No copying from other sources!
  4. Thou shall right correctly... hehehe
  5. Thy blog shall have at least one active Shakespeare and a maximum of three (3) Shakespeares.
And that's it! Pretty neat right? Once the January Journalists have been announced I will create a separate page with the list, similar to the Suggestions Corner! page. The image you see above will be located in the sidebar to redirect you to it.

I already submitted my application, what are you waiting for? (cue Ellie Goulding's Love me like you do)

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


Ahoy, mateys!


Are ya ready kids?

Aye aye, Captain!

I can't hear youuuuuuuuu!



That's not your intro

Ugh, fine then


Today is a great day for our fellow pirate friends because Chokru has made an official appearance in the city! WOOHOO!

Head over to his ship if you wish to complete his quest.

Apparently, his pirate invasion was just a misunderstanding. Looks like he crashed while sailing the universe and now he needs our help to recover the lost timber to rebuild his ship.

After you accept his quest, you'll have to look for a total of three (3) pieces of timber. The image below should tell you what to expect when looking for them.

Bringing all the pieces back to him will make you an official member of his pirate crew! YAY! I mean, ARRRRRRGHHHHH!

Not only that, but you'll also receive this awesome pirate hat! Thank you Chokru!

One of the main reasons I love this update so much is because ever since the Tropical Party started I was always wondering if we would ever get a chance to meet Chokru. Just a few hours ago I posted a suggestion in the Suggestions Corner! regarding this topic. It makes me really happy to be able to meet him =)

You can visit the Suggestions Corner! by clicking the banner in the Sidebar or by clicking HERE. Your suggestions are also welcomed and I'll always give you credit.

But what about you? Were you expecting Chokru's sudden appearance?

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


Friday, December 30, 2016

Chistochob and Samantha are back!

Bonjour mes amis!

So I was taking a nice stroll around the city and to my surprise I bumped into Chistochob!


If you have the opportunity go talk to him to begin a city-wide cleanup! YESSSSS! After talking to him you will receive your vacuum cleaner as a gift.

But before you do ANYTHING else, make sure that you talk with him again to actually accept the quest. If you don't do that you'll be like me running around Chotopia like a lunatic searching for garbage that I was never going to find. DANG!

Each element caught will award you with 40 Bugs. It's important to remember that unlike Chopix's rogue robots, the garbage from Chistochob's quests can be found anywhere in the city, which includes the inside of the buildings, so keep an eye out!

After collecting all the elements, head back to Chistochob to receive your cute little shoes. YAY!

Until then, this is Omi...

Omi, wait, it's not over yet.

What chu mean it's not over?

You still have to talk about Samantha, remember?

Oh, YIKES, almost forgot!

If you visit The Stage you'll be able to talk to Samantha to begin her quest.

This girl is just like me. Forgetful. I bet Nichos had nothing to do with her guitar picks going missing. She probably misplaced them, like I do with my stuff.

Be very careful of returning to Samantha if you haven't found her guitar picks, because this girl can stand to be a little nicer!

Ruuuuuuuude, am I right?

Anyways, after finding all three (3) guitar picks you'll receive a really funky gift! She's even thankful that you helped her! I may have gone a little over board with the "rude" comment.

Nope. Nevermind. She dares telling me I have to be faster. GUUUUUURL, I flew. Literally. My wings were getting tired.

But at least she makes up with this super cool wig! I love the colors!

So what are you waiting for?! GO! Do those quests!

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


Thieves in Chotopia!

Bonjour mes amis!

It has come to my attention that there are thieves in Chotopia! Whaaaaaaa?

It appears that they have stolen TWO outfits from the pirate ship! The Papuas and Kung Fu Fighter Suits are no longer available in their catalog. But fret not! Not everything is bad news!

Seems like the thieves dropped something while they were escaping from our brave Agents. Now the pirate ship catalog has a new Pirate Suit which is only available for Citizens and costs a whopping total of 30,000 Bugs. YIKES!

Looks like I'm gonna have to work hard to get it, am I right?

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Once a week you will compete, let's gather around for Agency!

Bonjour mes amis!

Pay close attention because the information in this post is very important!

First off, let's talk about the weekly competitions that are about to begin very soon. Starting on January 7th there will be a WEEKLY competition in Chotopia. Say what?!

Yes, you read that right. Throughout the month of January the competitions in the game will only last one week. Furthermore, only the first place in the scoreboard will receive a reward, so it will definitely be a little more difficult to win. Omi are you serious?

YES I AM! Not only that, but I also heard that the same person CANNOT win more than once! That means that more people will have a chance at the amazing goodies that the staff will give the winners. YIPPIE!

The schedule is as follows:
  • January 7th- Sliders Competition Sweetbattle Competition
  • January 14th- Cow Mission Competition
  • January 21st- Asteroid Competition
  • January 28th- Nichos Mission Competition
If this turns out to be a good move, the team might extend the weekly competitions to February too! So take your starting positions and let the race begin!

In other news, the team wants to inform everybody that because there are only two (2) Agents in Chotopia right now, they will be looking actively for new additions to the group. It is important to remember that Agents are special Chobots that are always looking to improve the game. Whether it is by searching for rule breakers or looking out for the general well-being of the game, Agents are there to offer support to the staff.

The team will select one Chobot to become an Agent and another group to be part of a poll. This poll will consist of players that the staff believe can make a good impact if they become Agents. Furthermore, more than one winner from the poll could be selected to become Agent, so be ready!

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


Did you say pirate invasion?!

Bonjour mes amis!

Today we have woken up with the terrible news that pirates have invaded Chotopia! EEK!

Apparently, Captain Chokru docked his ship in Chotopia and has taken over Café Street and Mission Street. But fear not! Not everything is as terrible as it may seem, no pirates have made any of us walk the plank yet! PHEW!

To access Captain Chokru's ship just head over to Mission Street and click on the stairs that he has provided for us.

Once you do that you'll be able to explore his ship and buy some pirate goodies. YIPPIE!

The pirate ship shop (haha try saying that five times in a row) currently has seven (7) items which include:

  1. Tiki Mask
  2. Crew member outfit
  3. Eye patch
  4. Pirate Suit
  5. Peter Pan
  6. Kung Fu Fighter
  7. Papuas

According to the main blog there will be tropical themed parties all throughout the month so you better be on the lookout! I am personally enjoying this event greatly and I love the items that we can buy.

But what about you? Did you like it? What's your favorite part?

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Welcome to Omiguy's Chotopia Blog!

Bonjour mes amis!

It is with great happiness that I give all of you a warm welcome to my blog.

This website has been created for a long time and was used to blog about other versions of our favorite virtual world. For this reason you will find that the visitor count and Followers list already contain a vast quantity of numbers.

I have decided to archive all the previous post and start fresh!

I hope this blog assists as many of you as it can.

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


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