Did you say pirate invasion?!
Bonjour mes amis!
Today we have woken up with the terrible news that pirates have invaded Chotopia! EEK!
Apparently, Captain Chokru docked his ship in Chotopia and has taken over Café Street and Mission Street. But fear not! Not everything is as terrible as it may seem, no pirates have made any of us walk the plank yet! PHEW!
To access Captain Chokru's ship just head over to Mission Street and click on the stairs that he has provided for us.
Once you do that you'll be able to explore his ship and buy some pirate goodies. YIPPIE!
The pirate ship shop (haha try saying that five times in a row) currently has seven (7) items which include:
- Tiki Mask
- Crew member outfit
- Eye patch
- Pirate Suit
- Peter Pan
- Kung Fu Fighter
- Papuas
According to the main blog there will be tropical themed parties all throughout the month so you better be on the lookout! I am personally enjoying this event greatly and I love the items that we can buy.
But what about you? Did you like it? What's your favorite part?
Until then, this is Omi signing out!
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