Thursday, December 29, 2016

Once a week you will compete, let's gather around for Agency!

Bonjour mes amis!

Pay close attention because the information in this post is very important!

First off, let's talk about the weekly competitions that are about to begin very soon. Starting on January 7th there will be a WEEKLY competition in Chotopia. Say what?!

Yes, you read that right. Throughout the month of January the competitions in the game will only last one week. Furthermore, only the first place in the scoreboard will receive a reward, so it will definitely be a little more difficult to win. Omi are you serious?

YES I AM! Not only that, but I also heard that the same person CANNOT win more than once! That means that more people will have a chance at the amazing goodies that the staff will give the winners. YIPPIE!

The schedule is as follows:
  • January 7th- Sliders Competition Sweetbattle Competition
  • January 14th- Cow Mission Competition
  • January 21st- Asteroid Competition
  • January 28th- Nichos Mission Competition
If this turns out to be a good move, the team might extend the weekly competitions to February too! So take your starting positions and let the race begin!

In other news, the team wants to inform everybody that because there are only two (2) Agents in Chotopia right now, they will be looking actively for new additions to the group. It is important to remember that Agents are special Chobots that are always looking to improve the game. Whether it is by searching for rule breakers or looking out for the general well-being of the game, Agents are there to offer support to the staff.

The team will select one Chobot to become an Agent and another group to be part of a poll. This poll will consist of players that the staff believe can make a good impact if they become Agents. Furthermore, more than one winner from the poll could be selected to become Agent, so be ready!

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


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