Saturday, December 31, 2016

To be or not to be!

Bonjour mes amis!

To be or not to be a journalist? THAT is the question!

The team has officially opened applications for January's Journalists! Shakespeare say what?!

You heard me right! Umm, well, read me right. Anyways, if you love writing as much as I do and you own a blog, don't hesitate to go to the main blog and submit an application. Journalists are the main source of information in Chotopia (apart from the main blog, of course) and they have some pretty cool privileges if you ask me:
  1. A journalist badge with the title of your blog and an exclusive and wicked playercard
  2. The feather item, so you can invoke the mighty powers of Shakespeare
  3.  You will be able to contact a moderator through PC even when their playercard is blocked (Shakespeare powers, I'm telling you, they're great)
  4. Moderators will bookmark your blog
  5. You will get featured in the main blog! (Can I get a WHAT WHAT!?)
  6. A purple name tag, because everything is better when you add the color purple to it, just ask Barney

There are requirements, however, and they are as follow:
  1. Thou shall post on a weekly basis
  2. Thou shall inform the team if thou will head over the seas on a vacation
  3. Thou shall be creative! No copying from other sources!
  4. Thou shall right correctly... hehehe
  5. Thy blog shall have at least one active Shakespeare and a maximum of three (3) Shakespeares.
And that's it! Pretty neat right? Once the January Journalists have been announced I will create a separate page with the list, similar to the Suggestions Corner! page. The image you see above will be located in the sidebar to redirect you to it.

I already submitted my application, what are you waiting for? (cue Ellie Goulding's Love me like you do)

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


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