Monday, January 2, 2017

You better work work!

Bonjour mes amis!

I just wanted to write this little post to inform you about my current progress in Chotopia! YASSS!

As you can see from above, I have recently acquired this beautiful chat bubble from the Shop. But do you want to hear the best part? I got all the money required using just Candy Canes! SAY WHAT?!

Cue Britney Spears' "Work Work"

Though gathering 1,200 Candy Canes proved to be a rigorous work, I've gotta say that I feel very accomplished to have achieved it.

I have recently created a page explaining how to use Candy Canes, so if you want to check it out just click the image in the sidebar or click HERE.

If I can do it, you can too!

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


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