Saturday, March 25, 2017

Are you an Agent?

Because if you are, this post is for you! But if you're not, keep reading because there is still something for you! HEHEHE

Bonjour mes amis!

If you are an Agent there is currently a meeting that is taking place in a few days.

For those of you who can't see the picture:

March 31st
9PM Cho Time
Agent HQ - Utopia

Agents are encouraged to attend as there will be many important topics to be discussed. As promised, for those of you who are not Agents, there is probably going to be an Underground party right after the meeting, so you are also encouraged to attend. You obviously don't want to miss it!

I also want to congratulate Simplexi for winning the Spot the Difference Contest. CONGRATS!

As always, since there will probably be a party after the meeting, I will post the banner on the sidebar.

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


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