Monday, March 20, 2017

Skeletons in the closet!

Bonjour mes amis!

No, don't think that I have some juicy gossip about someone to tell you about. Despite the title of this post, all the skeletons that are hidden in our wardrobes are those we use as disguise for Halloween. HEHEHE!

HOWEVER! A new feature for the wardrobe has arrived. The team has added two new tabs for organizing your clothes. Take a look:

Click to enlarge
They've added a new tab for HAIR and HAND ITEMS as you can see above. This will certainly clear some space in the tabs where these items were previously located.

Furthermore, there is also a "Coming Soon" tab that is reserved for a small surprise that the team is hiding from us still. I believe we will find out what it is for soon enough.

So what do you think about this? Does it help you in organizing your wardrobe better? Don't forget to give your opinion about it by voting in the main blog.

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


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