Thursday, March 2, 2017

We finally have a complete four-leaf clover!

Bonjour mes amis!

Yesterday we received three different types of news and today we add one more to the package to get a full four-leaf clover! The March Madness is REAL!

To start things off you should know that this month is all about competitions. Take a look at the calendar for this month's battles:

For those of you who can't see the picture, it reads as follows:
  • March 2-7 Space Racing
  • March 7-12 Garbage Collector
  • March 12-17 Sliders
  • March 17-22 Cow Mission
  • March 22-27 Sweet Battle
  • March 27-31 Tug of War
You should also know that, at the end, the TOP THREE (3) players who've collected the most amount of points or wins will receive what the team calls "a very special award". HMMM Sounds interesting, doesn't it?

Moving on, the team is currently hosting a comic contest!

The complete list of rules can be found HERE. You have until March 12th to submit your entry.

Also, before saying good-bye, don't forget that you can nominate players to be part of an Agent poll and also apply for a job with the Chotopia team. More information can be found HERE.

Oh! And I almost forgot, you can head over to the Space Port Square to start the Space Racing competition. May the fastest player win!

Until then, this is Omi signing out!


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